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Learning Disabilities


Gehret, Jeanne, MA, The Don't Give-Up Kid and Learning Differences. Learning Disabilities Association Evans.

Levine, M. (1993). Developmental Variation and Learning Disorders. Educators Publishing Service.

  • Excellent review of the theories behind learning problems.

National Information Center for Children & Youth with Disabilities (NICHCY), PO Box 1492, Washington, DC 20013, 800-695-0285.

National Center for Learning Disabilities, 381 Park Ave. South, New York, NY 10016, (212) 545-7510.

National Parent Network on Disabilities, 1727 King St., Suite 305, Alexandria, VA 22314, (703) 684-6763.

Poor Richard's Publishing, PO Box 1075, Litchfield, CT 06759 (203) 567-4307

VT Parent Information Center Assistive Technology Center (800) 639-7170 or (802) 658-5315 or


Adams, M., Foorman, B., et al. Phonemic Awareness in Young Children; A Classroom Curriculum. Brookes.

  • Highly recommended by researchers.

Bell, Nanci (1996). Visualizing and Verbalizing for Language Comprehension and Thinking.

Berninger, V. & Abbott, S. (2003). PAL Research-Supported Reading and Writing Lessons. The Psychological Corporation.

Berninger, V. Process Assessment of the Learner PAL: Guides for Intervention. The Psychological Corporation.

  • Breaks down interventions according to all phases of reading: phonology, orthography, alphabetic principas, automaticity, word families, morphology, and fluency.

Earobics Step 1.


  • highly recommended and affordable for children under 7 with dishonetic dyslexia.

Feifer, S. & DeFina, P. (2000).

  • The Neuropsychology of Reading Disorders

  • . School Neuropsych Press.

Feifer, S. & DeFina, P. (2000).

  • The Neuropsychology of Written Languagge Disorders

  • . School Neuropsych Press.

Fry's Instant Words.

Great Leaps Program.


  • Highly recommended, fun, motivating, and inexpensive program designed for 7-12 year olds with surface dyslexia.

Inspiration and Kidspiration.


  • The best programs for conceptualization and writing organization that Dr. Chin has seen. The former is for 4-12 grades, the latter for 1-3 grades. Dr. Chin uses them all the time.

Lazzari, A. & Peters, P. (1997). HELP for Word Finding. LinguiSystems Healthcare

  • 800-776-4332.

Lazzari, A. & Peters, P. (1997). HELP for Auditory Processing. LinguiSystems Healthcare

  • 800-776-4332.

Lindamood Phonemic Processing Sequencing. LiPS

Sharywitx, Sally. (2003). Overcoming Dyslexia.

  • Best book on neurology of reading, but weaker on interventions.

Writing with Symbols 2000.


  • Word processor that speaks and produces symbols as you write.


Feifer, S & DeFina, P. (2005). The Neuropsychology of Mathematics. School Neuropsych Press.

Tuley, K. & Bell, N. On Cloud Nine Math. Gander.

  • 1-800-554-1819,


Buzan, Tony (1991). Use Your Perfect Memory. (Plume) (Excellent self teaching exercises.)

Chermpw. Fred. (1997). The Sharper Mind. Prentice Hall.

Lazzari, A. (1997). HELP for Memory. LinguiSystems Healthcare.

  • 800-776-4332.

Lorayne, H. (1985). Harry Lorayne's Page-a-Minute Memory Book. Ballantine.

Mason, D. (2004).

  • The Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Wookbook

  • . New Harbinger.

Richards, R. (2003).

  • The Source for Learning and Memory Strategies.

  • . LinguiSystems (800-776-4332).

Sprenger, Marilee. (1999). Learning and Memory: The Brain in Action. ASCD.

  • Must read for all teachers.

Turkington, C. A. (1996). 12 Steps to a Better Memory. Macmillan.


Duke, M. et al. (1996). Teaching Your Child the Language of Social Success. Peachtree.

  • Excellent nonverbal social skills program.

Franklin Academy, 106 River Road, East Haddam, CT, 06423,

  • (860) 873-2700.

  • This is the only school (resdential program) for children specializing for the education and treatment of NVLD.

Kranowitz. The Out of Sync Child.

Nowicki & Duke. Helping the Child Who Doesn't Fit In.

Rourke, Byron. (1989). Nonverbal Learning Disabilities: The syndrome and the model. Guilford Press.

  • Gives equal time to other non-language based learning problems.

Seymour, D. & Beardslee, E. (1988). Critical Thinking Activities (K-3 or 4-6 or 7-12). Dale Seymour Pub.

Tanguay, Pamela. (2001). Nonverbal Learning Disabilities at Home: A Parent's Guide. Jessica Kingsley Publishing.

The Logical Journey of the Zoombinis-Deluxe. Broderbund Software. Very engaging computer game with elementary and high school age puzzles but more appealing to younger kids.

Thompson, Sue. (1997). The Source for Nonverbal Learning Disorders. LinguiSystems

  • 1-800-776-4332

  • Excellent explanation and treatment ideas for NLD.

ONLINE RESOURCES - a website that allows children to view the brains of famous people who had learning difficulties, to work with the creative part of their own brain to communicate with other kdis just like them.

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